Written by The Rev. Dr. M. L. Coufal
Last fall I bought a beautiful African Violet planter with pink flowers and purple flowers in the same planter. They bloomed for several weeks. Then the planter ‘s green leaves continued to live so I watered it periodically even though there weren’t any flowers.
About three weeks ago it blossomed again with beautiful pink and purple violets. About the same time I read “Colors bring out the depths of secret presence at the heart of nature.” (Anam Cara by John O’Donohue, p.3).
Just watching the green leaves slowly grow gave no indication the plants would bloom again. Yet deep within the plant was the secret presence of colorful flowers. It’s a reminder to us that within our inner depths is a secret presence waiting to blossom forth to show the heart of our spiritual nature.
We need to continue to strengthen it. There are many ways to do that. Reflecting as we tend our plants, silence, being in nature, expressing gratitude are a few ways. Each person knows what they need to do. Then one’s inner spirit flowers forth with colorful blooms.