Chosen by a Kitten
After my first pet, a much loved cat, died, I spent some time grieving her death. When I felt ready, I made many trips to different shelters looking for an older cat to adopt.
One morning I stopped in a new shelter and sat in a room with several cats and a 6 month old kitten whom I ignored. The older cats all ignored me.
Miss K, as she was called jumped on my lap and contentedly curled up and let me pet her. Intrigued and not really wanting a kitten, I left. I went to a couple other shelters again. I didn’t find the “right” cat. None of the cats really interacted with me. I thought about Miss K and how she had chosen me that morning.
Later that afternoon I decided to return to the first shelter, thinking that if Miss K was still there, I’d adopt her, even though she was only 6 months old. Since she was so friendly and social, I was sure one of the many families visiting the shelter would have adopted her. But when I returned, there she was! She again quickly jumped on my lap. My heart went out to her.
I thought of how God chose us, and often leads us in unknown ways. Scriptures on God choosing us that came to mind were from John and Ephesians. We read in John 15:16; “It was not you who chose me, it was I who chose you to go forth and bear fruit…” I John 3:2 “Dearly beloved, we are God’s children now…:”
Sometimes I forget God has chosen me and each one of us to go forth and bear fruit. Going forth and bearing fruit might mean going out to others. On the other hand, it might mean sitting and praying quietly as I gently pet my kitten.
This gives me the opportunity to reflect on Ephesians 1:4 “God chose us…before the word began, to be holy and blameless in God’s sight, to be full of love.” Miss K chose me to give her a loving home and to love me in return. Loving all of God’s creation, human and other, is another way of bearing fruit and sharing God’s love.
I invite you to explore how you are God’s chosen one bearing fruit and sharing God’s love.